The androgynous Jacks already know about love;

The one eyed Jack only looks toward the future;

The King and Queen are double minded Janus faced.

Jumpin Jack Flash is a gas, gas, gas; they are all one

Number ahead of the completion of number ten; as the

Eleventh card they know about the eleventh hour of love.

It is not that they suffer from inconstancy; being so

Jacked up, they understand that love is a ride, a tryst,

An interlude and a springboard beyond duality.

In the deck they service as an artifice for a surprise; a

Maverick in the sense that they go for the long shots;

For that they do not need to exercise peripheral vision.

A woman with an eye patch is a one eyed jack, no less

Than a buccaneer or a pirate.  They may not be able to

Hit the nail on the head lacking stereoscopic vision.

Black jack, jumpin jack, jack in the box, union jack,

All have something to tell us; get used to being jacked

Around for trying to find something in a beanstalk.

The cuckolded one becomes the jackass; the hi-jacked

One was never prepared; the sky-jacked one has a long

Way to fall; love can go this way. So, Get back Jack.

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