In the fall the Kracken has a genius for gnosis; where eagles
Gather and circle a vortex to the spiritual world opens
And the shaman translates his gnosis to all of us below.
For every planet, there are a million squid darting about who
Will never know if it is night or morning; so it is that the sea
Is replete with both the faithful and also the unfaithful.
Every story that is every told is an exchange of tokens of loyalty;
In the end will all cash in our exchange rate for the real truth. How
Many times have we exchanged the faithful for the truly unfaithful.
It is not the stories that give validity to the truth of a thing; every
Creature has its own gnosis and is identified in every totem that
Each of us share; the way that a crow flies is its particular gnosis
The ark landed on Mt. Aarafat, all the creatures with their individual
Gnosis knew that the voyage would not end when they got off the ark.
Such a voyage existed since Abraham and would continue long after.
The truth of a thing is its nature; it is the nature of squirrels to rummage
About in a million acorns but none of them know the soul of the oak.
One’s individual gnosis is not strong enough to reconcile the unknown.
A boy traversing through all of England at night walks through the ghost
Of Druids whose ancient gnosis could predict eclipse from Stonehenge;
The so many ways of knowing can only fill up one cup at a time.
The way that Abraham knew Sarah was Daath; from the Latin we have
Scire meaning “to know” and from this we derive the word science. There
Is no science to discover how Abraham knew Sarah; it was his nature.