Fate is nothing more than the impenetrability of childhood.
But who sees a child as he really is. The child is free because
His fate does not coalesce until there is the sense of grasping.
Who places the child in the world foursquare and puts a measuring
Stick in his hands or calipers to measure degrees of separation?
Truly, oceanic oneness belongs to puer and not the order of synex.
Where did our childhood go once we passed into adulthood? It is
Strange that we are here but that child is not. The child passed off
Into a vapor because it could not coalesce for lack of grasping.
Strange too is that the child is no longer wishing for the short time
It had on earth was enough to suffice. Its fate is impenetrable since
It knows it will not live in the dream of youth but die in adulthood.
The child is vulnerable and needs the bittersweet infusion of a medicinal
Concoction as if the youthful reveries were not sufficient to ground
The soul into an earthly powder. The reward of childhood is freedom.
The child develops a patina as does a china cup of delicate porcelain.
The cup is so fragile and opalescent that lighted butterflies could be
Seen glowing within as if mirroring the vague influence of distant stars.
Delicate, yes, but open and free like roses which is why its fate is
Disguised. Like the rose which is pelted by April Showers, the child is
Driven into the future by the restless wind becoking it toward its fate.