Admissions Of A Killer

I'm laying here in this dark room

As feelings race through my head

Anger, sadness, fear, and gladness

But most of all is grief

'I'm a murderer!' and continue to weep

I used a hatchet to kill someone

And that was just last week

Nobody but me knows she's dead yet

They all think she was kidnapped

Maybe I can forget this happened

And try to put it in the past

Just yesterday I shanked someone

He talked s**t and got me p**sed

That's just one more person I've slain

Maybe he won't be missed

My body count continues to grow

The bodies all begin to mold

I strip them of all their flesh

And clean out their insides

I chop all of their heads off

And hang them by my blinds

I collect the blood in cups and bowls

I cook and dine on their meat

If only I could drink their souls

The process would be complete

I'm a crazy, mental, deranged freak

And I revel in death and blood

I slice my wrists or cut myself

Depending on my mood

Why am I like this you ask

Why am I such a freak

Why am I so morbidly dark

Throughout every single week?

This I can't really explain

All I know is it all makes me happy

The life that I am living now

Is a life that people hate

But this life is what I know and love

And it's all you "normal" people I hate

I'm laying here in this dark room

As feelings race through my head

Anger, sadness, fear, and gladness

But most of all...


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