What Is Hell Like

Spirtual Poems

The Bible says there will be weeping and wailing and knashing of teeth. People will be tormented with burnig sulfer, and the smoke of thier torment will rise

forever and ever. It says there is no rest day or night. It says men knawed thier tongues in agony. Thier will be screaming. The Bible describes it as being as

hot as a gigantic furnance. The rich man that Jesus spoke about asked Abraham to send Lazarus to dip his finger in water and cool his tongue. The rich man called it a place of torment. Abraham said there was a gulf or chasm fixed so that no one can cross over into hell and no one can come out. ( That is what hell

is like) Sounds like a bad place huh? Well, I've been to a place just like it. It is called the, "The Hole" It is located in a prison. They need to rename it hell. Some people call it the jungle, but that isn't true. The jungle is a much beter place. Yes, there is screaming and yelling all night, and loud talking, and other activity

in the day. The difference is, in the jungle you are free, in hell "The Hole" you are not. In the jungle, you can find clean, cold, uncontaminated water, in hell,

"The Hole" there is no such thing. In the jungle you can find cool air, in hell, "The Hole", no place exist like that. In the jungle you can find rest, in hell, "The

Hole", you cannot. In the jungle you can fellowship with ones like you, in hell, "The Hole", for people like me, we are almost non-existant, The number is 1000

of them (harden criminals, repeat offenders, gang bangers, and thugs), and two of people like me, ( first time, non-affiliated, family man, usually law abiding

citizen that made a mistake and got caught up.) People like me where true christains before backsliding, which led us in here. It's actually like being sheep

among wolves who were led astray. Even in the jungle the animals are not caged up; they are among family. They can eat, bathe, and drink water when they feel like it; in hell, "The Hole", it is unheard of. In hell, "The Hole", your mind is tormented, in the jungle it isn't. In hell, "The Hole", there is vulgarity, some here

have no remorse for what they have done; it is loud day and night, and sin to the purest form. The only similarity between the jungle and hell, "The Hole", is

there are animals and stinches. I can tell you what hell, "The Hole", is like, I'm there now and this hell, "The Hole", I will be delivered from. Don't ever come here. 


                                                                                                                                                            George P. Scott Jr.

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