A Cold Night In Hell

Spirtual Poems

It will be a cold night in hell before I do this again, let me tell you my friend, how this all began. Lost my faith in God and started to doubt; I lost my dance,

even lost my shout. Started missing church, dipping and dapping, days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, then that's when things started to

happen. Prayers got short, not fasting at all, and endd up taking a great big fall. This is what happened and what went on, how everything started to go

wrong. I saw wicked people prospering in thier way, doing what they wanted everyday. I couldn't undewrstand, this can't be right, they're living in sin all

in God's sight. They had nice homes, nice cars, clothes galore. How could that be, that they have more? I pray, I study, I pay my tithes; not only that, I've

touched people's lives. I worshiped, I obeyed, the whole grand tour, I helped the neeedy, especially the poor. So I turned from God, did how I saw things,

not thinking at all, what trouble brings. So I lost faith, I couldn't hold on, and that's how everything started to go wrong. Yoking together with unrighteous

man. It will be a cold night in hell before I do that again. What happened was, I was complaining, not thinking, not realizing the man that reingns, so I

ended up suffereing even more than before; want be a next time, I know what's in store. It will probably be greater, even more than I can stand. It will be

a cold night in hell before I do that again. 


                                                                                                                                                                           Georege P. Scott Jr

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