Speaking of Pointless






Speaking of Pointless.


Speaking about being


"  Discovered  "


After you are long gone.


Is it money in your pocket ?


Is it sweat off your brow ?


If you are in Heaven.


If you are in Hell.


Reincarnated if so

Goes the belief :

How hard are you working


The bug and the beef ?

What you are now

What you are then.

Did you miss all the signs ?

The time to begin

Left you in the dust

Where you first come from

Unless you are a tadpole

Swimming in scum.

How far did you come ?

How far did you go  ?

Will that figure in  ?

Will you get a new soul  ?


Would it all be different

If it wasn't for fate  ?

Or does more of the problem

Lie in envy and hate  ?




Author's Notes/Comments: 

Maybe just a rant.

I forgot I wrote this.

But here it was in the unpublished section.

Oh well.

I got it out.

I guess it is about living for now.

The future when you are not here.

And how "  the twain  " does meet.

Or doesn't

Pointless was a name someone was using on PP.

With his philosophy being everything is pointless.

I always want to fight against that feeling

Cuz when it takes hold

That is where that  "  big sucking sound "

Comes from.

Edited 4/4/16 with all comments added then.

6:55 AM

We are always waiting for something else

Stepping from one hole

To the next.

Quote by KS

Right now

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