
What you do affects me

More than you'll ever know.

It hurts my heart

Kills my brain

Of feelings and thoughts

Of how this is gonna affect me.

And it's killing me

Knowing a part of me has died

Knowing everything I loved about it is gone.

And even more so

Knowing I'll never be that same girl again.

I guess it's already affecting me.

I've lost the best part of me

And I know it will never be regained.

It's at rest in the darkness of death.

Where's the closet I need to scream in?

So I can finally say what needs to be said.

'Cause it scares me that this ghost is inside of me.

I need to begin to move on.

But I know no matter what I do,

No matter what I say,

This is gonna affect me.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dec. 31, 2005-Sat

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