Black Or White Angel?

You are the angel
Who caught me
When I fell off the tree.

You are the angel
Who snapped me to reality
When I couldn't seem to see.

You are the angel
Who unknowingly
Guided me to the pathway.

You are the angel
Who came to me
The moment that was meant to be.

You are the angel
Who saved me from drowning
When no one even was minding.

You are the angel
I thank for just being there
On those days that I alone usually bear.

Black or white angel
I really don't care
I am glad I have you in those times of despair.

Someday I'll borrow your wings for sure
So, pelase allow me to return the favor
Anytime in the near future.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

To my dear friend who is always there to listen everytime I feel down. I dont usually open-up because i don't trust anyone but this person made me trust someone again. May be a black angel too because of the mean things this person makes me do. :)

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