Pretentious Souls

There are some souls
Who think they’re perfect.
They think they are angelic
while others are demonic.

There are some souls
Who are confined in their theory
So when you do not agree
You’re outside their territory.

There are some souls
Who will just follow a path
But could never walk harmoniously
In a very crowded highway.

There are some souls
Who are not truly pure
Coz they do ridicule and mockery
Is not after all saintly.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I hate people who think they are good because they are religious but cannot live harmoniously with others. They always see negative things on people coz they think they are the only ones who are they end up backbiting and ridiculing other people who don't follow their beliefs. They judge people according to their standards. I believe we should just respect each other.

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