For Feesha


Im not your someone special

you said "your just like all the rest"

So thats my pain and agony i wanted to be the best

I didnt want to be all the other guys

Here i thought i could be the one

my mistake from all the lies

You said "I regret it all and would take it back if i could"

For me thats not the case

and in the end I never would

Heres my reasons why....

Kung fu sound effects in bed!

Drunken fun

being able to laugh and still be intimate

going to movies

kissing your face, your back ,and your lips

Seeing you smile and laugh

tickleing you into submission =)

washing your hair

holding you at night

having you save me when noone else would

PDA (humping in walmart! Kmart! and anywhere else i could get away with it)

embarassing you in public

feeling able to be myself when im with you

being comfortable

your smell

your eyes

soft skin

curly hair

not the mumamamas !

first time meeting you when you tickled me out of the car

lightsaber battles

wheeling you around the chinese parking lot really fast!

making breakfast for you so u can drop it and have me make it again =P


carrying you up flights of stairs

rubbing your scars

all the drama we made it through

the way i love you, miss you, yearn for you and above all else

will never have "us" again.

This is just my goodbye, my apology, and my way of remembering all the good things.

bye feesha

sincerely yours


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just for you Feesha

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