Did I ever

Did I ever really express myself.
Did I ever tell them how much they meant to me?
I hope they know that they were my everything,
will they remember me for who I was,
or will they meet the "new" me and forget.

Will I ever see them again?
Will I ever be able to tell them how much they are missed.
Will everything be letter and phone calls?

I believe that I did tell them how much they meant o me,
I will see them again,
I will have a chance to see them and tell them how much I missed them.
It is not always going to be letters and phone calls.

Nothing will stop what they mean to me.
They were the center of my life.
I believe in my heart they always will be the center of my life.
My big question is will they remember me.....?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this in 2004 when I had started a new school year at a new school in a completely different state. This is for all my friends at PHS in Indiana.

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