A girl so dear,

you open your arms, to keep her near,

A boy so honest, yet so fragile to the touch,

his heart thirst like a torch for her,

till the day he saw her hurt, 

she had feelings for another man,

this surprisingly, he understood,

his heart stumbled to his feet,

the depression and angry could not be defeated,

he slowly feels the loneliness eating away at his insides,

he felt as she was the only girl in the world made for him,

but he would rather see her happy, then to be unable to breath the love he gave her,

she was happy,

he felt as if he was doing the right thing,

he felt comfrontable with the depression and the loneliness,

bringing him to his unexpected end,

the tear, she rolled down her eye looks as if the tear is escape from her eye,

as if the tear could say, "Look what you have done, he loved you, like their was no other girl in the world that mattered but you!"

she should of realized it at the start instead of hiding her feeling for him at first,

he would of never hurt her like she hurt him, 

till the day she was shocked about his death as if he was happy to be alone,

happy to feel depression, he knew no one else was like her,

her amazing blue eyes broke open to let every single one of her tears escape,

'cause she never wanted him so much more till the day,

his family followed hurse like a parade,

letting out tears and moans as if someone in a meeting let off a gernade.

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