when you lose the one you love</3 R.I.P

The one that seems so dear,

is the actual one that will leave you in tears,

but it's ok enjoy the moments and the memories,

for that is all you will hold of them,

no more asking,

no more talking,

just thier spirit and you walking,

their still here to guide you and help you,

take their path they guide for you is your opion,

the time you have with them is granted,

when the love of your life dies,

do not greave or moan too long,

just remember that person made you happy,

the time that was spent was a gift,

nothing is made to last forever,

you should be happy, for the time they did spent with you,

they could of spent therest of it with someone else,

but instead they chose you,

the reason they chose you may wonder in your head,

the idea the thoughts rolling like thunder,

why didn't i spend the time i had with my mother,

inside of crying and greaving of her cancer,

knowing there is truely no answer,

i could of spent the rest of her days talking to her and loving her,

instead of crying to my friends wishing her not to have an end,

but listen and look,

for the time to cherish is limited and shared,

but the person on your mind do they know? do you care?

or are you blinded of not knowing what to do instead of planning time with them,

for when they die,

are you their bestfriend or the procrisinator, or the hater, or the critisizer,

the time is limited and rare so maybe you should be prepared,

give them the tender love and care,

and you'll know whats true.

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