Never Know Love Until


when your heart beats faster

as he approaches


smiling at you

with that look of acceptance

on his face

he knows how crazy

you can get when things don't

go your way

how sad you feel

when it rains

he holds your heart

in the palm of his hands

when you can see how much

he looks like you

his mannerisms


the two people that

need him the most


get through life

making you smile

making you laugh

realizing when you need a hug

after a

long, hard day

when he gets sick

you feel like dying

taking care of him

better than you take care

of yourself

your world shuts down


he cries

when he is sad

when he feels down

wanting to hold him forever

never letting him go

love is when the love of your life

is your baby

your offspring

your child


whatever you may call him

you never know


until he is born...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

for my son...

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