My Grandmother’s Wedding Ring

Every time I get to see my grandmother the only thing I see in her is a deep and unconditional sigh of love for my grandfather. The story begun like many others with a boy meets girl but with a unique and huge difference as they both professed their love from the first time their eyes met. Time passed, thereby the mutual trust and affection grew, so much that one certain day their love turned out to be a sacrament. On the wedding day my grandma received a stunning and radiant ring, which was a gift from love as my grandfather claimed how she was so beautiful both, inside and outside, that she needed somewhat to distinguish her even further.


This silver ring is immensely treasured by my grandmother, not only for its exquisite beauty but for the tie and the meaning it entails, the ring is the ultimate symbol of union between them as well as one of the most cherished traditions that carries the holly sacrament of marriage, it is the circle without beginning or end, incorruptible and indispensable as the essence of the vow of love which was spoken and sustained for more than half century by my grandfathers. Whether in reunions, parties or just when she is home alone she always brings in her left hand the magnificent ring, through pain and delight the ring has witnessed more that I have never seen in my entire life as the raising of kids, teenagers and even adults.


Despite that these lovers have exactly 84 years they are still together managing the odds and always keeping alive the oath using the rings and showing the great commitment they have for each other. Diseases have come and gone and certainly have affected their plenty and youth but it still hard to believe that like the old ring the friendship and affection for each other has not changed and I can assure it will never change. I remember how my grandmother used to tell me how thankful and blessed she was for all my grandpas’ efforts and for the ring since, he managed to indulge her with what my grandpa used to say: “a jewel for a jewel”. Decades pass and friendship increases with age, the beauty of the ring continues to grow as time goes by, the brightness remains just as the first time it was worn but I personally believe that it’s true beauty lies in each lovers heart. (411)

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