Nefarious Neurosis

Poetry Challenge

            There he stood, apart from the crowd

            perpetrating his *machinations unseen.

            His *neurosis barely evident,

            except to a *felicitious few.

            How *paradoxical that his *considerate actions

            were actually mere *tantalizations,

            rather than the *etheral charms outwardly professed.

            Although inwardly he felt quite *unctuous.

            And as the attendant once again

            checked the straps on the straight jacket,

            his *phantasmagorical wanderings retreated

            and his *petulant other self emerges from his mental depths.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My friend Tim, that ratfink!  I said I would write him a poem from 10 words he selected.  OH....what a horrible set of words he chose!  But it didn't stop me.  His words have an asterisk.  

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