Untitled (8/12/2013)

When I am with you,

time seems to stand still,

I hate to admit it,

but it's kind of a thrill.


Your gaze is incredibly powerful,

I'm immediately drawn to you,

how can this all be true,

when it's still too new.


Looking into your eyes,

I go weak in the knees,

unable to move,

my body seems to seize.


Butterflies flutter in my stomach,

when you are near,

with you around,

I have no fear.


The things you say,

make me smile,

my hurting cheeks,

are all worth the while.


Thinking of your hands,

all over my body,

makes my heart race.

the taste of your lips on mine,

is such a sweet embrace.


Tracing your fingers,

along my skin,

ignited a fire,

from deep within.

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