One by One


We say we're okay
But scars do't fade away
Inside we're dying
But we're trying
Really hard to believe it will all work out
We are all filled with doubt

How did we get this far?

We pass the situation
To other generations
Leaving everyone broken
We are torn apart
We cannot find out hearts
We are being taken
One by One

I can't let it go
I know it shows
You want her back
We all know that
You can feel pain, too
What is wrong with you
We are all filled with doubt

How did we get this far?

You pass the situation
To other generations
Leaving everyone broken
We are torn apart
We cannot find our hearts
We are being taken
One by One

I know it's not my fault
You two always fought
But I've always felt guilty
Like something's wrong with me

You pass the situation
To our generation
Leaving us broken
We are torn apart
We have lost our hearts
We are being taken

One by One

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