Table 344

The Love


I witnessed love at table 344, 

Woman of passion, made eye contact with a smile.

Laughter and catlike manner, 

She licks her lips with delight.

His inquisitive indecision is her key in the ignition

For a fixin' of feelings

You’d be blind not to see her fire.

He’s relaxed, calculated, watches her flames dance left to right.

Beautiful bright, miss right, the only one to shelter his light.

Dinner for two, 


Just right.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem was written the other day at my job while this lovely couple was enjoying their meal. When I performed the inital greet, she caught my attention and it was extremely noticable. Her confidence was shining and she was one of the most beautiful women I had ever met to be completely honest. She was with a man, I believe someone very dear to her. This guy, when he would talk to her, she would laugh with her whole body. Nothing about their interactions appeared superficial. Everything was so raw and authentic. His eyes never left her. She radiated. It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. True love is gorgeous.

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