One Day


Inhale. How long this will last is anyones guess.

Exhale. There's so much to be said for long distance relationships, or lack there of.

Breath in. I guess a bad break up can pretty much add up to the feeling of the death of a loved one.

Breath out.

No matter the amount of time passed by it never seems to hurt any less. Its not even as though we were together very long but the time we had pretty much made my life, as far as love is concerned. I can go weeks, months even, without conciously thinking about the gaping hole left in my heart, but then out of nowhere, the precisely placed bandages lose their stickyness and that old familiar acheing starts interupting my life once again. I'm quite surprised there isn't a permenant handprint etched across my heart from the many times I've tried to hold that acheing in. One day, I keep telling myself, one day ill look back and smile. One day I won't long for the taste of your lips, the touch of your hand, the warmth of your embrace. One day.

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