'Lost Letter'

I love you so very much. More so than you will ever know. It is I whom has and will always and forever call unto you.

There is nothing large nor small that can separate the love I have for you. I will protect you from all. When you are down, know that this is just a blink in the eye of time, a space in the river of life that which seems to rush aimlessly nowhere. But, over the falls of pain and the endless agony, moments are all they are.

Only moments, they do not last. For around the bend where you can see not yet, I have cleared a path for you. I calmed the storms that made flat the seas and created the beach of the warmest sands and the ripest fruits for you.

Rest now, heal now. Go forth and reflect and replenish your strength.

Come to me often. I love you so very much.

Be not like the fish and go up river, yet gently roll with it.

I and only I will always be here to catch you when you fall.

As rain falls tis a long distance from the sea only to evaporate and begin again. So, this river of life is a journey prepared for you.

Come visit me.

by: Jennifer L. George

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