Pay it forward

We are like planets,

each on its orbit,

and in a well set moment

we get in contact with each other.

We meet maybe once in a lifetime

and if the impact is forceful

we remain with the signs of our collision

and change our trajectory and orbit.

We are like beams which

have their origin in God

and are reflected in our soul

then glance off to another soul.

He makes a circle through us

and we are interconnected

through what God gives us;

it's like a ripple which passes

from God to me,

from me to you,

from you to others,

multiplying itself;

and we remain with the memories

of the beam's heat come

from the One that gives it to us.

One life influences another,

if only we were willing

to let ourselves used by Him

and reflect the beams of His light.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

dedicated to those who intesected my orbit, and whose heat beams warmed my soul so that I can warm others.You know who you are.May God bless you all.

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