more than friends


i want you to know

how much I love you

more than words can ever tell

you say you love me

but do you REALLY mean it

the way i do

or do you mean you love me as a FRIEND

i wish you loved me as more

what can i do to make you

feel the way i feel

everytime i am with you

my heartaches thinking about being with you

i want you so bad but you dont want me

i feel like there is something a matter with me

but yet you say i am beautiful

then what is it?

tell me

i want to know

i wish you would tell me

if not then

i wish you would

tell me you love me

but mean more than friends

just for once

maybe we could be more that friends

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this started out simple and sweet but i jsut kept writing wha tmy heart felt and here is my new poem

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