I am so confused


what do you want with me

we are only "friends"

but i want to be more

there is just one little

obstacle that keeps us a-part

everyone says if it wernt

for that obstacle we would be together

you always want to be with me

when we a-part you are sad

you want me to make

a life changing desicion with you

but you know it just cant happen

I am so afraid of getting even closer

for the fear i will lose you

i am jsut so confused

should i say "its better to be friends that nothing at all"

i sit here and think about how much

i want you but cant have you

i sit and cry aobut it

its just not fair

i just wish i could have things go my way for one once

i can get the one i really want

but instead once again he wants someone else not me

its just so hard

i cant deal with any more

i want it all to end

i am just so confused

does he just want to be friends or can we ever be more?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i really like my guy friend but he doesnt like me back. he is bi so he like both. but he likes girls more than guys. me and him are so close some ppl have aksed me if we were togehter. i just wish we could be together. but i cant happen and it hurts so much.

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