Looking At Your Picture

Looking at your picture on the window cill

Soemtimes I wonder why you love me still

But now that you're mine, I only want to treat you right

And that, I will do for the rest of my life

You're the best woman that I've ever had

And so I will love you the very best I can

For now, you are still the one who's gone

But it won't long and you'll be back home

You bring out things in me I never knew

It's hard to believe everything we've been through

It's impossible for me to believe

What life would be like without you lovin me

If you ever dare think sad of you without me

If I never had you...what kind of life would that be?

I was always told to find that special one

I believe I found her while we're still young

God may've brought us each to each other

Good God, if you did, you know I love her

Someday when we get to grow old

Someday when our memories unfold

Theses stories we are living now

Hope we can remember them somehow

Remember how we love each other

Like we love each other right now

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written to my girlfriend rusti lyn kapp...

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