fucking november 17th

High School

Today I am unreasonably sad.

I don't miss you.

I don't remember you.

Today I want to open up a different white and scrawl there words no one can see but I can't.

Today I want to remember what it feels like to be alive.

I wish I had stayed with you forever,

because she is right.

Her entries about despising us are right.

Her entries about how stupid we are have played out in time,

and I'm here, another brainless robot following the blind masses.

There is nothing inside my head.

And they might say pain drove me to it.

But Pink Floyd is Comfortably Numb.

And once upon a time the green took me to the ocean.

I do miss you.

I wish you were here, making love to me.

Playing guitar for me.

Not for her.

She doesn't get you.

I'm writing these things even though they aren't true.

Because I am afraid.

Because I have no voice these days.

It was stripped away by smoke and shame.

I don't know.

I just don't know.

I just really really really don't know.


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