“Be like you”

Long time ago, there was a duck named Platin who had a really boring life. He wondered around all day thinking about himself and his life as a duck, wishing he was something else than just a simple bird. Platin used to go down to the sea shore and observe all the other animals that had different abilities. Platin admired the seals, swimming deep in the blue sea, wishing he could swim as deep as them. One day, while Platin hanged around in the sea shore, he noticed a big black seal staring, by its self, at the sky just. Platin wondered why the seal was separated from its other friends and was not swimming and having fun with them, so he decided to go talk to him. “Hey there,” said Platin, “I’m Platin, what’s your name?” The seal stared at Platin for a while with a weird look in his face before he answered, “Hi, I’m Seapuss, what is a duck like you doing here by the sea?” asked the seal in an intriguing way. “Well, I’m just hanging around and admiring the deep blue sea,” said the Platin nervously, he was afraid that other knew that he was really at the sea because he disliked being just a common duck in a lake. “My other friends sleep a lot, so I take some free time and look around,” said Platin, “by the way, what are you doing alone here at the beach?” Seapuss didn’t know quite well how to respond to Platin question, “Well, I got tired of swimming all day with the same animals. Besides, I enjoy being out in the fresh air a lot”. “Really?” asked Platin, “that’s funny, because I get tired of flying and swimming just over the lake with same animals all the time!” After their nice conversation, Platin and Seapuss realized that they both desired an exchange in their lives. Platin wanted to be something else than just a duck, and Seapuss wished he was more than just a common seal. Some days passed and Platin and Seapuss became really good friends. They enjoyed spending time together and talking about their desires of exchanging lives or just becoming something else. However, they both disliked the idea that they could only hang out during a certain a time of the day because Platin couldn’t swim deep in the sea with Seapuss because he didn’t had fins, and Seapuss couldn’t fly or hang around with Platin in the lake. One day Platin and Seapuss had the idea of begging the God Poseidon to change their lives so they could obtain what they finally wanted. After hearing their request, Poseidon got angry because of their lack of value for who they were as animals and for wanting to become something they were not. “I will grant your wish,” Poseidon said, “however you have disrespected me and the other Gods for disapproving our gifts to you, so you will be stucked together for now on and accept yourself for who you are, because no one else will.” And so Platin and Seapuss became one what is known today as the Platypus.

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