Mind, Heart, and Soul

New Stuff

Why doesn’t life stop

When I close my eyes?

My soul knows

Everything’s O.K.

But my heart burns

My mind is clear

Open to change

But I can’t let go...

Mind: Can only deliver information to the heart and soul. A filter to reality, not a good one. Is limited to thought and expression through the inadequate processes we now use, ie: language.

Heart: Feeling. Only a reaction, expression. Makes life a more careful process. Subject to pain, and love, and all that fall under those two categories. The reason for the soul, the reason for life, the reason we need the mind. Our purpose. Unfortunately, we usually subject ourselves to ignorant desires and pain. We are usually selfish and push the things that bring us closer to pure love farther away. Like compassion, understanding, altruism, non judgment, and honesty.

The soul: God, the creator. All knowing. Ready and willing to share all life's secrets with the mind, if it would only listen. Pure love. Our essence. The part of us that actually exists. All else is an illusion.

Heart is caught between a rock and a hard place.

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