Now a Snapping Tomb

The toes of fire

stabs my gut.

Initial good opinions

changed with time.


He was helpful,

hugging me warm.

I wasn’t careful,

Now he storm.

Was a friend,

now a foe.


Like a black feathered crow,

like a fog approaching town,

like a feather to my nose,

like a vile hiding insanity,

the smoke swops in,

takes my breath,

my sight.


Out of murky water,

a light so bright,

the dark she fights.

She flashes out,

he lashes knout.

She’s nimble,

he’s strong.


Not knowing

whom to help,

I watch away,

as battle comes close.





No fight.

No light.

No night.


Without the war,

falls down tor.

hope runs out,

leaving regret in its wake.

Agony jumps in,

beside the shame.


Now all around,

grief chomps and snaps,

regret stabs and slaps,

agony grips and grabs.


Those three little emotions

talks to me everyday.

they lay across my couch,

they sleep in my room,

Leaving no room for others.

They take everything I have,

even the little Light

that battled with Night

so long ago.


So strange,

They left Night behind!

This is my chance,

I can escape!


I get ready

to greet Night.

I tie the ribbons,

I write the letter.

I wait patiently,

For him to come.


Did I wait three minutes?

It’s already dark outside.

I’m getting so restless,

is he coming or what!


But when I see him,


I’m in awe.

His hair such a pretty shade,

His eyes the color of wisdom.

His pelt as white as death.


As I push off to hug him,

He smiles a wide grin.

He spreads his arms,

and beckoned me closer


I can see clearly now.


What seems so normal,

changed in a spark.


His arms so graceful,

now a jaw with teeth.

His pelt so snowy, now gone.

His hair so sweet, now rotting.


Alas! I get it now,

I just hugged Night,

now a deathly creature,

now a taker,

Now a snapping tomb

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