Crazy Ride

Another day...over
My heart..darker and colder
The lies and the cries
Caused by the wolves
In Sheeps disguise
Growing stronger and longer
My somber.

The pain to great to bear
Does anyone even care?
I don't think they do..
Not once have I heard..
"Is there anything I can do??"

Does anyone realize
That I'm dying inside?
Or do they think this is
Is just all part of my
"Crazy Ride"?

The clawing..the tearing..
Ripping away my soul..
I wonder sometimes what it
Would be like to finally feel "whole".

I think I'd rather keep all of
The "Me's"..I'm not sure how
Well I would do with just
One identity.

The hurt and the pain
I could surely do without.
I've just got to find a way
To let all of it out.

So if you have any clues
On what I should do
Please let me know
So I will no longer be confused.

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