It's Alright

I am the woman who sits by patients' bedsides
with a calm unflinching look
as they wake up from arm amputations
from wound debridement
from finger reattatchments.
I am the woman who sits by patients' bedsides
and tells them it's OK.
I am the woman who sits by patients' bedsides
and tells them their loved one is on the way
and that they are safe in the hospital.
I am the woman who goes home at the end of the day
to sleep in my bed
with army corners.
I am the woman who goes home at the end of the day
to the warmth of my baseboard
and the tick of my clock.
I am the woman at the end of the day
with a light, but no warmth
I am the woman at the end of the day
como o sol de inverno.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem was inspired after I underwent surgery and saw the many nurses stand by the patients as they woke up saying "It's alright, you are in the hospital, you are safe." as they woke up, and further influenced by nurses in prison and military hospitals who's kindness contrasts sharply with the starkness of the hospital.

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