The zebras and tthe lions


The zebra and the lion

A long time ago there was a zebra who lived with his friends in a large plain of grass, they all loved to run around racing each other, they usually did it peacefully, not many predators came to this plain.

One day as they were running around one of them saw a lion in the distance, just a slow-moving mass, as gold as the grass, moving slowly towards them, it seemed to stalking them, so this zebra went back to his friends and warned them about the imminent threat.

As soon all the zebras heard the news, panic spread through them all, and so they all began discussing what to do, where to go, how to react, but no two zebras had the same idea. They spent way too much time discussing. The lion seeing this thought “I don´t think they´re going anywhere anytime soon, I might as well go get my friends to take down the entire group of zebras” the lion knew it was a risky move because he might lose his zebra due to his ambition, but he had a very bad time hunting recently, he couldn’t catch anything which compromised his position in his pack, nevertheless he went back to his pack, a hunt like this would earn back the respect he had lost. So he went back and told them about the group of zebras, the whole pack agreed to go kill the zebras.

When the lion came back to where the zebras where he could not believe his eyes, the zebras still hadn´t moved, and so the whole pack moved in on the zebras, still busy arguing never saw them coming, they didn´t even had time to run. The lions ended up killing all of the zebras.


Moral #1 of the story (zebras): in dangerous situations it´s more important to act quickly based on your instinct than to think of a logical or reasonable solution

Moral #2 of the story (lions): ambition combined with the perfect mix of prudence and recklessness always brings a big reward.

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