Summer around the corner

Summer around the corner. Thought by now maybe things would get better.

But these summer days wont seem as sweet as before. Not looking into your hazel eye's, Not having you there by myside.

How this summer I dont know what to expect. Those late nights with you seem to be gone forever.

Hopefully those blue skies and sunsets can make up for all those things that I will miss. But those waves will continue crashing down, slowing me down. From where I wanna be. And thats just having a friendship with you.

Making things right isn't in your mind at this point in time. And I'm tired of pretending I'm fine. I just care to much and that has always seem to be the problem.

But what can I say?

these summer days are around the corner and I dont know what to expect. I know I will have my good times.

But feeling like there is a grudge between you and I. It just tears me apart and I dont know why?

If you ever want the friendship just know I will never hold a grudge and I'm here at all times. But as for now I'll fade into these Summer days!  

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