If she knew

Only if she would have let me explain. Only if she gave me the time to say how much I loved her! Look into her eyes and just get lost one more time.

I always thought if I remained truthful and explained my heart she would remain here. But how my honest heart left me in last place.

She was there for me in every way and I thought she would never forsake me.If I would have known our days together were numbered, I would have held her so tight, tell her I love you a million more times!

But she made up her mind, that she was going away and never looking back.Tell her friends that she was with me for way too long. When I was here thinking it was such little time.

How she fooled herself and everyone around how she felt about me. but when we were alone we both knew...What her true feelings were.But how I wish everytime she said she missed me, I would have said the same.

Now how she only remembers the bad and how I can't seem to forget her voice telling me that we would be together forever.But after all this pain! I wish I can still explain...

That I've missed her every minute since she left! How she took that better half of us and just ran away!

How those little moments we shared stole my heart and never will I forget how she truly made me feel. But until we meet again, maybe as old friends or as foe's, Its good bye for good thats the way she wanted it to be...

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