A woman’s preparing breakfast when she suddenly stops to say a prayer
I’ve found the face of Jesus in my toast..”It’s a miracle!” she declares
Another is cooking dinner when she falls to her hands and knees
“It’s a miracle!” she screams... “The virgin Mary’s in my grilled cheese.”
I do not doubt their devotion but miracles in food make me a little wary
You see I do believe in miracles...it’s just...our definitions vary.
I believe if there is a higher being then he or she would show up coast to coast
Not in the markings on my grilled cheese or popped up on my toast.
And that’s the difference...for I think if you’re observant you quickly become aware
In the ampleness of nature...miracles ARE everywhere.
Yes, if you want to witness miracles...you don’t have far to look
They are in the rhythmic waves of the ocean or the babbling of a brook.
They’re in the birds that soar, the fish that swim, the insects that creep and crawl
They’re in the sun, the moon, the planets...and the tranquil rain that falls.
They’re in the flowers, the plants, the trees...the mountains that rise above
They’re in the wonderment of childbirth or the gentle touch of love.
If it’s miracles you crave...that will astonish and astound
Stop what you’re doing...open your eyes...and take a look around.
What you see will make you smile, you’re life will be sublime
You might even spiritualize Mae West...so many miracles...so little time.
When you begin to enjoy the myriad of miracles that occur daily coast to coast
You won’t need to find them in your grilled cheese...or burnt upon your toast.