Today is Adolph Hitler’s birthday...a man associated with hate

That this year his birthday falls on Easter brings dichotomy to the date.


I wonder...since Hitler was responsible for so much hatred...and bloodshed

If that isn’t the real reason the last full moon was red.


I also wonder when you look through the millenniums at all the hatred that’s amassed

Why haven’t we learned anything from Hitler...and all the Hitlers of the past?


Although hate is the opposite of love both are somehow intertwined

I’m sure Shakespeare would agree...not only love but hate is also blind.


Love may blind us to the faults of another as their failings we suppress ,

But hate blinds us to the goodness and the virtues they possess.


We don’t have to look very far...hatred permeates the news

It preceded Hitler and continues long after he oversaw the killing of the Jews.


People are killed in the name of hatred...I couldn’t guess how many every day

They are killed for being a different color, a different religion; they are killed for being gay.


Experts teach we’re not born with hatred in our hearts, it is a behavior that is learned

It’s simple...teach love and love is refunded...teach hatred and hatred is returned.


Dr. King said we cannot drive out hate with hate, here he looked to the peaceful dove

The only way to drive out hate he said would be with the intensity and love.


Of course that same hatred killed Dr. King and continues it’s killing today

And those of us who observe this pattern continue to hope and to pray...


That someday we’ll absorb the lesson of all the Hitler’s and all of history’s hate

And that someday we’ll take Dr. Kings advice...someday...before it’s too late.


So Happy Easter everyone, and now after a little retrospection


Let us celebrate hatred’s interment and pray for love’s resurrection.

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