Everyone has a soul mate, which adds to our mystiques

That is if we are to believe the mythology of the Greeks


Zeus was the Father of the Gods, his power was unchecked

Yet even in his omnipotence he was a nervous wreck.


Take when the first humans were created, well Zeus was traumatized

When we came out with two sets of everything including legs and eyes.


He thought these strange looking creatures would someday him betray

He worried they would steal his throne and take his powers away 


So Zeus came up with a plan to solve his little riddle?

He made an executive decision to split each human down the middle.


Then Zeus would look down Mount Olympus throne and laugh

As we humans wandered aimlessly in search of our other half.


Zeus figured he needn’t worry, that his powers would never abate

I mean what are the chances of one person every finding their soul mate?


But Zeus didn’t count on the compassion of his daughter as he ruled from up above

Aphrodite was her name and she was the Greek Goddess of Love.


To help you find your soul mate, here Aphrodite was quite wise.

She gave us the ability to recognize them when we look into their eyes.


It makes sense, the same eyes you shared before Zeus divided you in two

Is where you’ll find your soul mate...staring back at you.


Zeus and Aphrodite are gone now as is belief in Greek Mythology

But the idea of a soul not a myth to me.


You may have found your soul mate, or perhaps you may have not

It’s possible you may have never given soul mates a first or second thought.


But for me there is a satisfaction in knowing my soul mate came my way

It’s why I take a moment to thank Aphrodite every day.



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