The other day while people watching I had to stop a while

To revel in the beauty and simplicity of a smile.


The airport is a wonderful venue as people travel from east to west

To observe the smile in all it’s glory; to see it at it’s best.


Everyone is waiting...all lingering in the same place

Until they recognize their person, and a smile engulfs their face.


As I stood there watching so many different people smiling effortlessly

And thinking how the smile is ubiquitous, an old story occurred to me.


Antoine de Saint-Exupery whose book, The Little Prince, brought him acclaim

Is also remembered for his smile and a problem he overcame.


In the Spanish American War he was captured and quickly taken away.

He was thrown in jail and was certain he’d be executed the next day.


He found a cigarette in his pocket, one that had escaped the jailers sight

He motioned to that jailer, “Excuse me sir, have you got a light?”


The jailer shrugged then walked over trying to stay detached 

And in the silence of the jail he gently lit the match.


As he was lighting Antoine’s cigarette his hatred he would belie

When that jailer inadvertently looked Antoine in the eye.


At that point the jailer, his enemy, was suddenly beguiled

When Antoine in a fit of nervousness looked back at him and smiled.


As we know smiles are infectious, the jailers demeanor began to crack

For he had no choice but to look at Antoine and simply smile back.


Although they didn’t speak the same language they shared photos and hopes and fears

And as Antoine spoke of never seeing his family again four eyes filled up with tears.


Suddenly, in the stillness, Antoine’s cell opened surreptitiously 

The jailer led him to the edge of town and with a smile, set him free.


Antoine returned his smile then waved and quickly ran away

Convinced throughout the rest of his life his smile saved him on that day.


Yes, the smile is universal, it’s healthy and it can ease all kinds of strife


And you never know when a simple smile might somehow save your life.

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