She remembers when she was young and would scrape her knee
or when there was a sadness she couldn’t contain….
her mother was there with a smile and open arms to soothe her aches and pains.
To fix her scrapes and bruises…to wipe away her tears
to ease, if only for that moment, her suffering and fears.
But she is no longer young and her mother is no longer here
so she turns to a different mother to soothe her aching heart…
to wipe away her tears.
She walks under the smile of a crescent moon…says good morning to the stars
drinks from the big dipper as she searches for Jupiter and Mars.
With the sound of crickets filling her ears
and trees whispering hello as she walks by
she stops to listen to an owl, hidden in the trees,
sing her good night…or is it a good morning lullaby.
She sees her friends the rabbits…about to begin their day.
They stop to greet each other as they pass along the way.
She walks down to the water for a convergence her heart craves…
a chance to beat as one with the rhythm of the waves.
There are days, like today,
as she watches the compassion of her country
crumble to the ground
That she wishes her mother…with her gentle whisper…
her smile and her open arms was still around.
As she remembers how, cradled in her arms, she would always find a way
at least for a little while…to take her pain away.
But in her absence she makes due with Mother Nature
who does her best her pain to ease…
as she opens her arms…smiles at her from the moon
and sends words of comfort and encouragement
whispering through the trees