I am admittedly no expert…but…what’s wrong with this county…this world

as far as I can see

is that it's filled with people who lack compassion…and empathy.


People who, for some reason, in their hearts have erected a wall

and from behind it, they can’t see the connection to us all.


People who, I imagine, think themselves loving, charitable and wise

but who are unable to see the world through other people’s eyes.


People who believe their view is the only view…that there can be no other views…

People who are unable or unwilling to walk in someone else’s shoes.


I believe every person in this world wants a chance to grow…to learn…and to be free…

even those who might not feel, believe, love or look like me.


But there are also people in this world…who, because of hatred, bigotry or fear

refuse to acknowledge these other humans… 

who say…’You are not welcome here!”


It’s ironic when one human treats another human

with such disregard and animosity…

That human…at that moment…has lost their humanity.


For what truly makes us human…

is not power, weapons, money…

it’s not even our sympathy 

What truly makes us human…

is our understanding of each other

our compassion…

and our empathy.

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