This goes out to anyone who’s ever felt the hurt of being called a name. 

The sting when someone uses a word meant to malign you…

meant to denigrate…besmirch…defame.


Sometimes their words are obvious:

You’re ugly, you’re worthless, you’re stupid, you’re fat….

Words like these are meant to belittle you…

You can’t get more obvious than that!


Sometimes their words are meant for more people than just you…

as, with a malicious and malevolent grin,

they use words to attack your nation, your religion, your gender

who you love…or the color of your skin.


Sometimes they’ll even take words of love 

like woke, diversity, equality, and inclusion…words that truly make a country great

and by attaching their own false meaning…and saying them with contempt

turn words of love into words of hate.


Sometimes…and it’s hard to believe they do not find this odd…

they will even say their words of hate come directly from their God.


The paradox I see…when I stop to think this through…

is how once they say their ugly, hateful words…

their words fit them…not you.


I pray for the day they understand how, when it comes to beauty in the world,

they’re making a huge mistake…

how with every ugly word they utter…and uglier world they make.


For those of you on the receiving end of their ugly words…know this:


It is their hearts that are ugly…for it is our heart that holds the key

as we look out onto the world as to all the beauty we will see.


I am sad when people use hateful, ugly words to describe you…

but what makes me sadder by far…

is how their hearts won’t let hem see…just how beautiful you are.

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