The reason I originally joined Facebook was because of the freedom it gave me…
the ease…I could connect across the country and the world with my family,
our friends and their families.
It’s a way of connecting with a group of people I am blessed to know…
hearing their stories, seeing the places they’ve been…watching their families grow.
I write mostly about the things in my life I love
my friends, my family…nature…but I hope you understand
when it comes to inequality, injustice, prejudice and hatred…
I will not bury my head in the sand.
I know I’ve lost some Facebook friends who thought I was too critical…
who felt Facebook is not the place to be outspoken or political.
And for the most part with this Facebook philosophy
I wholeheartedly agree..
except when, in my opinion, people’s politics are destroying humanity.
So you will find I write a lot about my loves, and how my life’s been blessed…
Buy you’ll also find me writing about Ukraine, LGBTQIA2S+, people of color…
anyone who’s been abused, neglected and oppressed.
I invite you enjoy this journey with me…connected together on this Facebook link
and even when you don’t agree with me…I hope at least I make you think.
But if you choose to go away…because it upsets you when I raise my voice…
although I’m sorry to see you go…I do respect your choice.