There is a simple recipe for hate…you may have run across this recipe before…

Hitler used it in Germany…to create a Holocaust…and war.


First…you pick a group within your country…and you convince your people this group to hate…

by repeating how these people are keeping your country from being great.


You call these people horrible names…you hurt them…treat them with disdain…

because you know hate is not effective unless it causes pain.


And if you can tie hate to a religion…well…the more hate you can create..

because once you affix hatred to a God…you get a more intense and deeper hate.


And since you don’t want the people you are brainwashing to hear opposing views

you isolate them from the outside world…and you control the news.


Because from the oldest ones among us…to the youngest…from the elderly to the youth… 

you want the lies that you are feeding them to be taken as the truth.


If someone speaks in opposition…saying truths you don’t want to hear…

you turn your hate upon them…you want them to live in fear.


You ban the books they’re reading…destroying another freedom link…

because hate must be in control…of what people do and say and think.


You ban the teaching of history…because you don’t want our past atrocities known….

It better serves your hate to write a history of your own.


For you know if you’re going to control a person’s future…if your hatred is going to last

you must do everything within your power to eradicate the past.


In Germany Hitler stirred up people’s hate…and other people and countries lived in fear…

but I never thought I’d see the day his recipe for hate would surface here.


I thought after the lessons we learned from Hitler and the Nazis…

It would be difficult to corrupt good women and good men….

but under Trump and the Republican party…it’s happening again.


Many of us whose eyes and hearts and minds are still open…can see where this is heading

and must do everything within our power to stop this recipe from spreading.


So we stand up, we speak out, we protest…we do whatever we can to cause a fuss

to show this latest group that their recipe for hate…will never be accepted by us.

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