The the funny thing about dreams is…

When you stop and look at the person you came to be….

you wonder…have I chosen this dream…or has this dream chosen me?


I had big dreams when I was young…of who I might grow up to be…

A doctor, an astronaut, a famous singer or athlete…with fans running after me.


Any of these professions, I’m sure, would have taken me very far…

I’d be rich, I’d live in a big house, wear expensive clothes and drive a fancy car.


But standing with my wife, next to our daughter 

watching our granddaughter playing soccer…hoping for her success….

as I looked from one to the other to the other…I took a moment to reassess.


I never became any of those people who I dreamed I wanted to be… 

Instead I became a teacher with a wife and a family.


I don’t know the exact moment…I can’t pinpoint where or when…

the dreams I had for me blended into the dreams I had for them.


Dreams that they be kind and gentle people…

that they be loving and forgiving…

Dreams that they be happy, healthy…

and content with the live they’re living.


I don’t know when or how this happened…the exact moment it came to be….

when the dreams I had for them became the dreams I had for me.


Which is why when I looked at my wife, daughter and granddaughter…

when I saw all that beauty in front of me…

I could not think of a better place…I would have ever dreamed I’d be.


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