It’s ironic isn't it…how even though we tried to destroy indigenous cultures
and replace them with our own.
how even though we no longer want this history to be known…
How in spite of all this and the indignities they suffered…
all their heartache..all their pain
In spite of our best efforts…their cultures and their teachings still remain.
And how those of us displeased with the culture we replaced theirs with
are now ready (with their guidance)…their culture and their teachings to preserve….
ready to finally give them the respect, the admiration and honor they deserve.
Ready to listen to the 7 grandfather teachings…
to learn how to be compassionate…how to forgive…
to give honor to our life not by what we say…but…by how we live.
The 7 teachings are not frightening…
but are as honest and spiritual as can be be…
They are: Love, respect, truth, wisdom, honesty, bravery and humility.
Each of these 7 grandfather teachings is represented by an animal…
since they understood nature could teach us a thing or two….
If you want to know more about these as well as which animals go with which teaching…
Well…I leave that up to you.
Yes, In spite of our best efforts…of a culture and teachings we tried so hard to spurn…
Their cultures and teachings have survived…
which means we still have time learn.
To reach into their culture and their teachings
and see what peace and balance they can bring…
To finally learn from those we tried to erase…
how to respect all living things.