Life is short and oftentimes shaped by circumstances out of our control…
Which means savoring the joy and sweetness of every moment
should be our constant goal.
And though I am still heartbroken at where I think our country…our world is headed
at the things some people are so callously attempting to destroy…
when it comes to my life and the people I love…I’m determined to find joy.
It’s in my morning walk…when I stop to greet the stars.
When I say hello to the moon, to Orion…to Jupiter and Mars.
It’s listening to the owls as I watch the clouds drift across the sky
It’s watching the rabbits stop and nod…a subtle acknowledgment as I walk by.
It’s taking a second walk with Deborah…in the waxing light of day.
Saying hello and stopping to talk to people we meet along the way.
It’s holding hands, a smile, a hug, a gentle kiss…a touch.
It’s so many of the little things I’ve come to love so much.
It’s any moment with my family…any time with them I spend.
It’s receiving popcorn from our son…or warm cookies from a friend.
It’s sitting down with a good book…or a slow walk along the shore…
It’s going to sleep and waking up next to someone I adore.
I am not naive…
I know despite my prayers…hatred, war and evil in this world remain….
and I know finding joy may not heal my broken heart…
it does help to ease the pain.