Some people say I’m a dreamer…an idealist…a Pollyanna

some people, I imagine, just like you. 

They say I have unrealistic hopes and dreams and wishes…

that my wishes will never come true!


I know there are certain aspects of life we cannot wish away

that are the cause of heartache and pain.

people we love getting older…dying…

Tornadoes, earthquakes, floods and hurricanes.


But there are other parts of life…of living…

of who we are every day

that the Pollyanna in me believes can be wished away.


The wishes I make come from deep inside my heart, my mind…and my soul…

The wishes I make deal with the parts of our lives I know we can control.


It’s funny how the older I get…I make these wishes more and more

I wish there was no hatred in the world…no hunger…no prejudice…no war.


I wish all the people in the world were kinder…more understanding

more accepting of everyone

I wish no on ever again had to die from bombs…or from the bullets of a gun.


And another wish I’ll add to this little Christmas sonnet…

I wish we took better care of the Earth and all the creatures on it.


Yes, some who hear my wishes say I am an idealist…a dreamer…a Pollyanna

and of course I know it’s true

So my final wish is that the rest of the world was filled with Pollyannas too.


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