From the moment we are born…when we first open our eyes to see
we begin writing a book…an album…our autobiography.
As we grow…as each minute, hour and day goes by
our book gets filled with our joys…our sorrows…our laughter…and our cries.
Just look at all our families…from the moment a new family dawns
think of all the writing every minute that goes on.
The funny thing is as each new day…out upon the world we look
we are also being written into other people’s books.
The good news is as we grow up, make new friends perhaps start a family of our own
since we are in the pages of so many books…we need never feel alone.
However…as our family has new experiences and have new people whom they meet
there is a part of this whole process I find a little bittersweet.
When our children are young…at a very early stage…
when we look into their book…I can be found on every page.
But as they grow up…move away…and continue writing on their own…
as they’re meant to do
I find myself relegated to an occasional mention…
in a page…or in a chapter…maybe two.
But I’m okay with this…which is why…on this Thanksgiving day
as I think about our son who long ago…
and now our grandson and his wife…who recently moved away.
I’m thankful and it makes me smile remembering a time
where everywhere I looked
I could be found on almost every page…certainly every chapter in their books.
And though I may not show up in their books as often now…
I smile and am still thankful when….
I am mentioned on a page or in a chapter…
every now and then.