I return today to a subject you may think makes me seem a little odd…

when I repeat I am not religious…but I do believe in God.


My God, is not found in a book or a church

(which is something I have often said)

no, she (and sometimes he) is a voice inside my head.


And the God who speaks to me tells me I am not at all absurd

for he, like me, thinks the line between some Gods and some religions

over time has become blurred. 


Blurred by people who distort their God’s words to help create

a religion that is not only restrictive…but also discriminates.


And when people create other restrictive religions

(here is where it get’s a little odd)

we soon have a world filled with rigid religions…

all believing in different Gods.


Until we reach a point…which to my seems very odd…

where people hate each other in the name of their religion and their God. 


A point where people fight religious wars…leaving many on both sides bereaved…

as they kill each other in the name of their religion…

and the different Gods in whom they all believe.


Yes, you may call me crazy…you may think me a little odd

but I have found my spirituality in my non-religious God.


She asks us to be kind, generous and accepting…to treat everyone the same.

and she’s proud from wherever she sits…to watch us do this in her name.


For nothing in this world brings a broader smile to my God’s face

than knowing someone he’s created tries to leave the world a kinder, gentler place.


Perhaps it’s not so crazy…not so different…not so odd

to put less faith in vindictive and hateful religions…

and more faith in a kinder and gentler God.


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